Official Training Partner for BEA Products

Insight Automation & BEA have a very special relationship which has enabled us to become the first and largest official training partner in the UK. In our specially designed training room, we can offer free of charge training on a whole range of products from BEA including the IXIO pedestrian door range, FLATSCAN laser on door safety sensor, LZR-H & LZR-I ranges of sensors for gates, barriers & Industrial doors, and not to forget the LZR-WIDESCAN, offering 3D activation, presence & safety detection for Industrial doors.

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Official Training Partner for BEA Products

Insight Automation & BEA have a very special relationship which has enabled us to become the first and largest official training partner in the UK. In our specially designed training room, we can offer free of charge training on a whole range of products from BEA including the IXIO pedestrian door range, FLATSCAN laser on door safety sensor, LZR-H & LZR-I ranges of sensors for gates, barriers & Industrial doors, and not to forget the LZR-WIDESCAN, offering 3D activation, presence & safety detection for Industrial doors.

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Why Choose BEA?

BEA’s R&D department commits its energy to stretch the limits of the latest technology. While expressing the results of that activity into solutions that remain open for both the installers as well as the users. For the past 50 years, BEA has been achieving a reputed authority in technologies applied to the domain of detection and receives worldwide recognition as an expert by its peers. Below is the technologies BEA have researched and perfected over the years….


LASER technology works according to the principle of time of flight. The sensor sends an intense light impulse in a defined direction and measures the time until the signal returns. As the speed of light is a constant value (approximately 300.000 km/s), this time is directly proportional to the distance between the sensor and the first object encountered by the light impulse.

As a result, and by sending multiple beams in multiple directions (2D or 3D), the sensor is capable of knowing the exact position of any object in its detection area at any given time.

By analyzing this information over a very short period of time, it is easy to determine the shape, speed, and direction of any object.

LASER technology is the most precise and accurate method used in BEA products and delivers the highest ever level of safety.


Radar technology, also called microwave technology, is based on the Doppler Effect:
the radar sensor continuously emits microwaves with a certain frequency in a defined area. These microwaves are reflected back to the sensor by all of the objects present in its environment.

If the objects in the area do not move, the microwaves come back to the sensor with the same frequency as the initial one. Once a movement occurs in the detection field, the microwaves come back to the sensor with a different frequency and this results in a detection.

Furthermore, this technology can distinguish between an approaching movement (higher frequency) and a departing movement (lower frequency), allowing the sensor to only open the door for an approaching target. This function, known as ‘direction sensing/unidirectionality’, reduces door opening cycles and generates energy savings.

Over the years, radar technology has become the perfect choice for detecting moving objects in a well-defined area.


with background analysis

An active infrared sensor is, by definition, a sensor that emits infrared light in a well-defined area and analyzes the reflections that come back.

Background analysis always works with a background (e.g. a sensor shines infrared light on the floor). In this case, the sensor lights up one or more areas and analyzes the energy that returns. Detection is triggered if there is any significant difference when compared to the original picture.

This technology, which is highly sensitive, is the best method for detecting static objects close to a door. It is also often combined with a radar sensor to provide the best option for opening doors (radar) and safeguarding objects (infrared) using a single device.


with background suppression

An active infrared sensor is, by definition, a sensor that emits infrared light in a well-defined area and analyzes the reflections that come back.

Background suppression works on the principle of ‘triangulation, in which the sensor calculates the distance to an object by taking into account the distance between the emitter and receiver. The emission angle is already known and the reflection angle becomes the key element as the distance to the object can be calculated according to the position of the reflected spot on the receiver side (a triangle can be drawn when you know one distance and two angles).

This technology, which requires a small uncovered zone on the floor, facilitates the detection of static objects without being influenced by the reflectivity of the background. It is therefore mostly used when the background is likely to change (e.g. sensor is fixed on a moving door panel).


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Active Infrared with background analysis
Active Infrared with background suppression
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Pedestrian Sensing
Industrial Automation
Vehicle Sensing
Public Transportation
    Many hours of research, development and testing have been invested to create and develop the Artek technology. Thanks to the know-how of our engineers, this active digital antenna takes motion detection to the next level.
    The FLATSCAN is the pinnacle of on-door safety sensors for swing doors, being the only volumetric detection sensor on the market able to offer full safety coverage preventing any contact with the leaf.
    The LZR®-FLATSCAN GO is quick to install and easy to set with a single hand movement. Its curtain angle adjustment makes the installation really easy, especially in case of full door handle.
    A safe and compliant installation is now accessible to everyone in no time. With only 1 push, the ORASCAN measures the door dimensions and positions the laser curtains automatically, regardless of the environment or door type.
    The FLATSCAN is the one of the best door safety sensors for swing doors, being the only sensor range on the market able to offer full safety coverage of the door leaf.
  • LZR® H100
    The LZR®-H100 offers a real alternative to induction loops: time gain during installation, detection of all types of vehicles and greater adaptability. This laser sensor for rising barriers is used to open, secure and/or detect a presence. It offers great flexibility in defining the width and depth of the detection zones (max detection field of 9.9 m x 9.9 m).
    Offering unparalleled detection, the IXIO D range of sensors are designed for the activation and presence on pedestrian doors via it’s active infrared with background analysis and radar technology,All of which can be easily configured via it’s built in LCD display.
    Offering unparalleled detection, the IXIO S is designed to detect the presence of people and objects on pedestrian doors via it’s active infrared with background analysis and radar technology,All of which can be easily configured via it’s built in LCD display.
  • LZR®-I100/I110
    The LZR®-I100 / I110 works according to the principle of time of flight. This high-precision technology and the dynamic orientation of the LASER beams on 4 planes offer optimal safety in the door threshold and its proximity. The sensor is adapted to industrial environments and has a max. detection range of 9.9 m x 9.9 m.
    Ideal for controlling Industrial doors, The WIDESCAN projects 7 titled laser curtains to offer a 3D area of detection. The analysis of trajectory, height and type of object enable filtering out parallel traffic and ignoring pedestrians if desired.
  • 4SAFE
    Offering Active Infrared technology with background suppression, The three-dimensional area of the 4SAFE makes it particularly suitable for protecting people with disabilities. This makes the 4SAFE the ideal cost effective solution for safety for swing doors.
    Known throughout the industry as the ideal choice, the EAGLE range has always been the leading sensor for activation of sliding, swinging and Industrial doors and can be installed up to a height of 5m.
  • LZR®-P110
    The LZR®-P110 is a universal safety solution for sliding, swing and revolving doors designed in conformity with the DIN 18650 and EN 16005 standards and a detection field of maximum 5 m x 5 m.
  • LZR®-P220
    The laser sensor LZR®-P220 guarantees safety of people in the pinch zone of revolving doors. The high resolution laser curtain secures the hazardous closing edge on every type of revolving door, independent of floor and weather conditions at a max. mounting height of 5 m.
    The LZR®-FLATSCAN REV PZ is the first laser safety sensor specifically designed for automatic revolving door needs. It uses time-of-flight technology and it generates 400 measurement points to provide a complete protection for users while ensuring the effective functioning of the door.
  • VIO DT
    The VIO-D combines a motion radar sensor for opening the door with a double failsafe active infrared curtain for the protection of users, in accordance with the EN 16005 standard. Opening and closing the door is controlled by a unidirectional radar and safety is ensured by the two 24-infrared spot failsafe curtains.
  • VIO ST
    The VIO-S is a presence sensor made up of a double failsafe active infrared curtain, offering high protection of individuals. The three-dimensional area of the infrared curtain, without safety beams, protects people from any contact with the doors. The VIO-S can be mounted up to 3 m.
    The MILAN is an active infrared sensor working on the principle of the ground reflectivity analysis. Its mission is to increase the protection of the door by avoiding every collision with vehicles standing close to the door area. Moreover, the MILAN adjustment allows to define small and accurate detection areas in front of the door: 40 active infrared spotlights covering 3 m × 3 m* in front of the door.
    The CONDOR has a microwave motion detector and an active infrared presence sensor built in the same housing. The microwave FALCON-type planar antenna stands for a comfortable activation quality. The signal treatment results in an accurate precision to filter out pedestrians, cross-traffic and possible interferences. The active infrared technology offers a presence area where every vehicle and object standing still close to the door will be detected.
    The FALCON is a unidirectional motion sensor optimizing the performance of automatic doors. The FALCON detects every type of target and can filter people. Detecting vehicles only allows to reduce the door closing cycle by rejecting cross-traffic. Mounted at 7 m the FALCON has a detection field of 4 x 5 m. At 3.5 m, the FALCON XL detects in an area of 4 x 2 m.